Renaissance Unified Scale Score

We would like to draw your attention to a change you will see in the Star Assessments. Students will now be measured using the Renaissance Unified Scale Score.

Learn more

Your RGP Upgrade Step By Step

Step 1 – Schedule your upgrade

If you haven’t already scheduled your upgrade, please get in touch with your Upgrade Support Specialist at [email protected] or contact Customer Support at +44 (0)20 7184 4000 (UK & Ireland), or +61 (0)2 4225 9698 (Australia)


Step 2 – Learn more about the benefits of our new platform

The following video highlights the changes you will see in our new platform. You can expect an improved user experience and interface, greater data security and some significant enhancements to Star Reading and Accelerated Reader for you and your students.

Look out for emails with more information, and watch out for our upcoming live training sessions.

Step 3 – Download the upgrade checklist

Once your upgrade date is scheduled, your Upgrade Support Specialist will be reaching out to you. They will be your key contact to assist you through all phases of the upgrade process.

In the meantime, download this checklist so that you can share information about the upgrade with your colleagues.

Download Checklist
teacher with students using pcs

Step 4 – More resources to support you

Coming soon…

Visit resources

What is the Renaissance Growth Platform?

On the Renaissance Growth Platform, you’ll see the information you need at a glance to monitor and drive growth for every student. It’s safe, seamless, and, best of all, it aggregates the data to let you do what you do best: teach.

Upgrade so that you—and your students—can begin to benefit from the following:

  • Fresh new look organised to help you easily navigate and find what you want.
  • Powerful and easy-to-use target-setting tools to set personalised goals for students.
  • Enhanced reports are at your fingertips to immediately get the data you need to inform your decisions.
  • Parent or guardian email options to keep them informed about their child’s Star test performance and Accelerated Reader progress.
  • A new Accelerated Reader Record Book that makes day-to-day implementation tasks easier by displaying class and student level quizzing data like the last quiz taken, who is reading above or below their ZPD—and take action to review quiz answers, reprint TOPS reports and much more.
  • Increased data security to ensure student data is protected.


Questions? Reach out to our Customer Support team

We’re here to support you throughout the entire process. Please bookmark this page for future reference and share the link with your colleagues.