Whether in class or at home, the Complete Literacy Solution (CLS) from Renaissance helps create a culture of reading by encouraging students of all ages and abilities to read more. We work with more than 55,000 global schools and help educators to engage students, improve reading progress and motivate reading practice with Star Reading, Accelerated Reader and myON.
Engage Students, Motivate Reading Practice, Improve Reading Progress
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What does the CLS consist of?
Support your library with a wide range of digital books from myON
myON offers every student unlimited access to every book offline and online 24/7, which means no more buying multiple copies, or lost or damaged book costs!
- Up to 5,600 enhanced digital books with audio support
- Students can practice their reading fluency by recording themselves reading their favourite myON books
- 5 daily age-appropriate articles available from myON News powered by News-o-Matic
- Build literacy skills with reading scaffolds, writing tools and projects
- Linked to the curriculum in England and Scotland
- Links to Star Reading and Accelerated Reader help personalise learning
myON was only launched 48 hours ago and already we can see the impact – particularly on our boys and disadvantaged pupils. myON is taking our journey to the next level! – Manor Leas Junior Academy

Motivate and encourage reading for pleasure with Renaissance Accelerated Reader
The world’s most popular personalised reading practice tool, Accelerated Reader includes quizzes for more than 200,000+ titles and is used by over 29,000 schools worldwide.
- At its heart, Accelerated Reader is simple: Read a book > Take a quiz > Receive instant feedback
- Shown in independent research to improve attitudes towards reading and reading ability
- Education Endowment Foundation finds “significant improvement” with Accelerated Reader
Pupils who use AR enjoy reading, read frequently and think more positively than their peers who do not use AR – Dr Christina Clark, National Literacy Trust
Track and monitor progress and achievement with Renaissance Star Reading
Whether used a standalone formative assessment to measure progress or also to provide a Reading Age and ZPD for Accelerated Reader, over 4 million Star Reading tests were taken in the last academic year.
- Normed to over 6 million test
- Computer-adaptive and administered in as little as 20 minutes
- Instant results = no marking
- Includes Learning Progressions built by NFER to help inform sequencing
- Indicates KS2 SATs results with a high level of accuracy
- Detailed reports and MAT Dashboards also available
- Platinum Assessment Partner of the Confederation of School Trusts

Personalised planning and assessment ignites student growth - Case Study
CLS Case Study
The International School of Ticino (Switzerland) has an 80-90% non-native speaking English language background amongst its pupils. They have been using Renaissance Complete Literacy Solution to support their pupils literacy growth and enhance numeracy skills across the school, and to inform planning and progression for teachers.
Read what schools are saying about our solutions
Renaissance solutions have impacted our reading culture. We have a word millionaire board celebrating those who have achieved certificates, and students are continually aware of their reading age and ZPD. Hence, they can select appropriate books. The overall impact has been very positive.
Star Reading is invaluable in ensuring students read appropriately without becoming overwhelmed by texts that are too dense or underachieving by reading texts with too low a vocabulary load.
I really appreciate the way Accelerated Reader enables me to be fully involved with the students’ reading – I know exactly what they are reading, how much progress they are making and how I can support them most effectively.
Watch videos about The Renaissance Complete Literacy Solution