Personalised learning is only possible when you can deliver personalised teaching

As the back-to-school season approaches, we understand the challenges and joys that come with preparing for a new academic year. At Renaissance, we want to support you in providing the best possible education for your students.

See how Renaissance can help your students get back to school

There’s no such thing as an average student. Kids are different. Unique. No two kids are exactly the same, so no two kids should be taught exactly the same. At Renaissance, we believe that technology can unlock a more effective learning experience—one where we can ensure that students get the personalized teaching they need to thrive.

Our instructional ecosystem gives teachers and administrators the ability to see every student, so they can help them fulfill their potential. Our assessment tools provide a complete, holistic picture of what students are excelling at and struggling with—and then equip teachers with engaging instructional materials to help all students succeed.

Watch the video to learn more.

Renaissance instructional ecosystem

Our ecosystem

The Renaissance instructional ecosystem of products provides educators with a complete picture of student performance.

Accurate Assessment

Star Reading • Star Early Literacy • Star Math

Engaging Instruction & Practice

Accelerated Reader • Freckle • Lalilo • myON

Actionable Insights

Renaissance Analytics

Success Story

Nurturing a Love for Reading at Al Maha Academy for Boys

Al Maha Academy for Boys, part of the esteemed Taalum Group, is a leading educational institution in Qatar known for its commitment to providing quality education and fostering academic excellence. With a long-standing reputation for excellence, the school creates a safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environment, making it a symbol of success in Qatar’s education sector.

Read the success story
almaha academy class

Read what schools are saying about our solutions

Not just does our secondary school use Star tests, but our mission teams also use the Star test as one of the indicators for those applicants who would like to join Independent School Foundation Academy. We have been using star tests for the admission purposes for nearly maybe 10 years.

Star Reading is invaluable in ensuring students read appropriately without becoming overwhelmed by texts that are too dense or underachieving by reading texts with too low a vocabulary load.

I really appreciate the way Accelerated Reader enables me to be fully involved with the students’ reading – I know exactly what they are reading, how much progress they are making and how I can support them most effectively.

Request a demo or more info!

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